- Sputnik India, 1920
Canada-India Row
A major diplomatic row has erupted between India and Canada after Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau indicated that Indian “agents” could have been behind the killing of pro-Khalistan terrorist Hardeep Singh Nijjar in British Columbia in June.

Canada on the Verge of Becoming a Dangerous Place for Indians

© AP Photo / Robert BumstedAn Ontario Provincial Police officer walks in front of a row of trucks parked on the street near the Canadian parliament building in Ottawa on Thursday, Feb. 17, 2022. Hundreds of truckers clogging the streets of Canada's capital city in a protest against COVID-19 restrictions are bracing for a possible police crackdown. (AP Photo/Robert Bumsted)
An Ontario Provincial Police officer walks in front of a row of trucks parked on the street near the Canadian parliament building in Ottawa on Thursday, Feb. 17, 2022. Hundreds of truckers clogging the streets of Canada's capital city in a protest against COVID-19 restrictions are bracing for a possible police crackdown. (AP Photo/Robert Bumsted) - Sputnik India, 1920, 16.05.2024
Pro-Khalistan groups are posing a multidimensional danger to Indian-origin people in Canada, carrying out hate crimes, online harassment and protests.
A discernible rise in acts of hate speech, xenophobia and violence directed at Indians and Hindus has been witnessed in Canada in recent months and years, warned a new report released by New Delhi-based think tank Centre for Integrated and Holistic Studies (CIHS) on Wednesday.
The report suggested that Hindus and Indians in Canada have been the target of "extremist groups", including pro-Khalistan radicals.
It expressed particular concern about the "free operation of Khalistan extremists" in Canada and their acts of intimidating Hindu minorities through targeting temples and other Indian symbols, including diplomats.
"The inability of Canadian law enforcement system to confront and deter hate crimes and discrimination has exacerbated the issue," the Indian think tank said.
The New Delhi-based think tank squarely blamed Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for the worsening law and order situation for Indians in Canada.
"Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's indisputable association with anti-Indian groups poses a risk to bilateral relations and the international security environment," stated the report.
The think tank stated that Trudeau's permissive attitude has raised doubts about his government's "commitment to democracy and bilateral relations with India"
It noted that Trudeau has permitted rallies by pro-Khalistan entitities, wherein convicted terrorists are openly glorified like the 'Nagar Kirtan' procession held in Calgary and Ontario provinces this month.
The Calgary parade witnessed posters glorifying Talwinder Singh Parmar, the former chief of banned terrorist group Babbar Khalsa International (BKI) responsible for the mid-air bombing of an Air India flight in 1985, leading to death of all 329 passengers.
The CIHS report stated that the feeling of unease among immigrants was further compounded by the fact that the political debate around immigration could lead to "discriminatory restrictions".
"This could include discriminatory immigration restrictions, the undermining of civil liberties, or a lack of respect for multiculturalism. Canada is on the verge of becoming a dangerous place for India and Hindus currently," it said.
The report comes against the backdrop of Indian government accusing Canada of giving "operating space" to pro-Khalistan separatists for votebank politics. New Delhi has also accused Ottawa of allowing criminals and druglords fleeing from India without proper checks.
According to statistics from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), India has ranked as the top source of new immigrants for Canada for the last few years. Canada also has the largest Sikh community in the world outside the Indian state of Punjab.
Demonstrators gather in support of Khalistan, an advocated independent Sikh homeland, during a Sikh rally outside the Consulate General of India, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, on September 25, 2023, following the murder of Sikh separatist Hardeep Singh Nijjar.  - Sputnik India, 1920, 08.05.2024
Canada-India Row
Khalistan Issue: India’s Top Diplomat in Canada Spells Out New Delhi’s ‘Red Lines’
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