Ukraine Conflict
Moscow launched a special military operation in Ukraine in February 2022 with the aim of saving the people of Donbass - primarily the Russian-speaking population - from Kiev's constant attacks.

Kiev Snubs Sri Lanka's Call for Names of Citizens Fighting in Ukraine Conflict

© AP Photo / Mstyslav ChernovUkrainian servicemen walk on the shore of Dnipro river after exiting a boat at the front line near Kherson, Ukraine, Sunday Oct. 15, 2023.
Ukrainian servicemen walk on the shore of Dnipro river after exiting a boat at the front line near Kherson, Ukraine, Sunday Oct. 15, 2023. - Sputnik India, 1920, 17.06.2024
Media reports say many Sri Lankan citizens are fighting for the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Kiev's conflict with Russia.
Ukraine has ignored repeated requests by Sri Lanka for answers about its citizens, which are fighting in the conflict with Russia.
The British Daily Mirror quoted a highly placed source who said Ukrainian authorities had not responded to Sri Lanka's appeal for details about its citizens.
A call for information was sent twice, according to the report. The first approach two weeks ago by the Sri Lankan Foreign Ministry and its embassy in Turkiye asked Ukrainian authorities to provide details about the country's citizens engaged in the ongoing conflict against Russian forces.
After no response for a week, the Sri Lankan High Commission in India asked the Ukrainian mission in the country, which is also accredited to it, for information.
None of the requests have been answered so far, the Mirror claimed.
The source said the Sri Lankan foreign ministry understands that its call to Ukraine may be delayed as the country is engulfed in a conflict.
A Russian serviceman of the Central Military District stands next to bodies of dead Ukrainian soldiers amid Russia's military operation in Ukraine in the town of Avdeyevka near Donetsk, Donetsk People's Republic, Russia - Sputnik India, 1920, 02.06.2024
Ukraine Conflict
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