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India-Mongolia Joint Military Drills Begin in Meghalaya

© Photo : Indian ArmyIndia-Mongolia military exercise begins with the aim of enhancing joint military capabilities.
India-Mongolia military exercise begins with the aim of enhancing joint military capabilities. - Sputnik India, 1920, 03.07.2024
In a bid to keep its forces ready for operations at all times, India has been involving its troops in military exercises, including joint drills with friendly nations.
The joint military exercise comprising troops from India and Mongolia began in the country's northeastern state of Meghalaya on Wednesday.

"Indian contingent comprising of 45 personnel is being represented by a Battalion of SIKKIM SCOUTS along with personnel from other arms and services. The Mongolian contingent is being represented by personnel from 150 Quick Reaction Force Battalion of the Mongolian Army," India's Ministry of Defence (MoD) said on Wednesday.

The exercise named Nomadic Elephant is aimed at enhancing the joint military capabilities of both countries.
During the exercise which began on July 3, soldiers from the two sovereign states will undertake counter-insurgency operations, and showcase tactical drills, including their response to a terror threat.

"The exercise will also facilitate developing inter-operability, bonhomie and camaraderie between the two armies. This will also enhance the level of defence cooperation, further augmenting bilateral relations between the two friendly nations," the statement added.

Servicepersons by the Zhitel jamming communication station during the district stage of the field training competition held among units of electronic warfare of the Southern Military District at Nikolo-Aleksandrovsky training range, Stavropol Territory - Sputnik India, 1920, 23.06.2024
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