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Russia Ready to Build a Better World Together With Global South: President Putin

© SputnikVladimir Putin at 2024 BRICS Summit Plenary Session in Kazan, Russia
Vladimir Putin at 2024 BRICS Summit Plenary Session in Kazan, Russia - Sputnik India, 1920, 24.10.2024
Russia is ready for collective cooperation with Global South countries to build a better world and to address various global challenges, such as terrorism, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday.
The BRICS Plus/Outreach has proven itself well, Putin said, adding that the format provides an opportunity for direct and open dialogue with partner countries.
The Russian president said he expected a constructive discussion to take place at the meeting, adding that the situation in the Middle East and the issues related to peaceful settlements of conflicts would be on the agenda, among other things. Russia has always opposed any kind of terrorist actions, he stressed at the meeting of the BRICS Plus/Outreach format in Kazan.

"The latest round of Israeli-Palestinian confrontation has become one of the bloodiest in a long series of clashes. But at the same time, I want to emphasise that we have always opposed and continue to oppose any terrorist manifestations," Putin highlighted.

The situation in the Middle East is alarming due to an exacerbation of a long-standing conflict, the president said, adding that Russia always sought to make its contribution to stabilising the situation in the Middle East.
"The fighting that began in Gaza a year ago has now spread to Lebanon, other countries in the region have been affected, and the confrontation between Israel and Iran has sharply increased. All this resembles a chain reaction and puts the entire Middle East on the brink of a full-scale war," the Russian President said.
It is necessary to launch a comprehensive political process for the settlement in the Middle East, Putin underscored, adding that the settlement must be achieved on the basis of generally recognised international principles. In addition, he called for an end to violence in the Middle East.
Further, he urged to reform the UN development institutions and global financial structures.
The next wave of economic growth is emerging in the countries of the great majority, so it is time to think about creating our own platform to unlock the potential of the growing economies of the BRICS countries, Putin said.
"It is important to build alternative, reliable and free from any dictate multilateral financial mechanisms, production and logistics chains, establish the exchange of technologies and advanced knowledge, develop and increase the capacity of new international transport corridors," Russia's president suggested.
However, the transition to a more just world order is being hindered by forces accustomed to thinking and acting in terms of dominance over "everyone and everything," he said.
"The transition to a more just world order is not going smoothly. Its development is being slowed down by forces accustomed to thinking and acting in the logic of domination over everything and everyone. Attempts to contain growing competitors, independent, uncontrolled development of countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America are hidden under the guise of rules-based order imposed on the world," Putin emphasised. "Illegal unilateral sanctions, open protectionism, manipulations of currency and stock markets, interference in internal affairs under the slogan of 'concern for democracy and human rights,' and the fight against climate change are being used."
Such ways and approaches lead both to emergence of new conflicts and aggravation of old contradictions, the Russian President stated.
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