Israel-Hamas war

Why is Israel Hesitant to Launch Ground Operation in Gaza?

The Israeli army is not advancing into the Gaza Strip, despite its claims to destroy Hamas there. An expert gave Sputnik an insight into the main obstacle causing the delay.
One major obstacle hindering the Israeli army's ability to conduct a ground operation in the Gaza Strip is the intricate network of underground tunnels, which hold great military significance, Emad Abshenass, political scientist from Iran, an expert on the Middle East, explained.
The answer lies in the tunnels' potential to strip Israel of air and artillery dominance, forcing a ground conflict, according to Abshenass.

What Makes the Tunnels in Gaza Formidable?

The expert cited data showing that Gaza's underground infrastructure includes tunnels 30 to 70 metres deep and 650 kilometres long. He noted that the tunnels have entry and exit points both inside and outside Gaza, allowing for rapid movement of troops.
The underground tunnel system in Gaza is impressively sophisticated, Abshenass pointed out. Each tunnel contains multiple levels and provides safe passage for trucks and even armoured vehicles. In addition, the tunnels have ventilation, air purification and sewage systems that combine the latest Egyptian and Chinese technologies, the expert said.
Abshenass explained that the Palestinians have prepared for every possible contingency as they are aware of Israel's potential actions. They are able to produce water and electricity through improvised devices. The entrances and exits to the underground city are designed to be hard to find, and it is impossible to navigate the tunnels without a top secret map.

US Experience in Combating Tunnels in Vietnam

The Israeli authorities tried to analyse the underground city with the help of a US military satellite, but their attempts were in vain. Abshenass explained that the Vietnamese made extensive use of tunnels in their battles against the Americans during the Vietnam War. The use of tunnels as a military strategy has been widespread ever since, Abshenass stated.
After attempting various approaches, such as using chemical and poisonous substances and tectonic bombs designed to trigger artificial earthquakes, the United States was unable to collapse the tunnels complelely, Abshenass added.
Now that Israel has moved into the third phase of the war against Hamas - the army has gradually expanded ground presence in Gaza , Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu stated.
The presence of tunnels poses a significant obstacle for Israelis, leading to a postponement of a comprehensive ground operation as the IDF grapples with uncertainties regarding potential confrontations.
Israel-Hamas war
LIVE UPDATES: Israeli Leadership Yet to Decide on Possible Ground Operation in Gaza