Ukraine Conflict
Moscow launched a special military operation in Ukraine in February 2022 with the aim of saving the people of Donbass - primarily the Russian-speaking population - from Kiev's constant attacks.

Ukraine Moves to Suspend Several Clauses of Human Rights Convention

Ukraine notified the Council of Europe in April about its intent to suspend several clauses of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms due to martial law.
The Ukrainian government said in a statement published on the Council's website that it would derogate from the provisions covered by Articles 30-34, 38, 39, 41-44, 53 of the country's constitution.
The rights that will be restricted are inviolability of housing, non-interference in personal and family life, confidentiality of correspondences, freedom of movement, and freedom of speech.
Under new changes to martial law, in place since February 2022, the government will have the right to compulsorily alienate private property for the needs of the state, to introduce curfew, to inspect the belongings, vehicles and homes of citizens, to ban peaceful assemblies, and to restrict the right for free choice of residence.
The office of the UN commissioner for human rights reported a rise in human rights violations committed by the Ukrainian military in 2023. These included arbitrary arrests and forced disappearances, as well as torture and sexual violence against detainees.
Ukraine Conflict
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