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BRICS Countries Support Russian Presidency in Bloc in 2024

© Sputnik / Grigory Sysoev / Go to the mediabankBRICS Summit in South Africa
BRICS Summit in South Africa - Sputnik India, 1920, 24.08.2023
The BRICS leadersadopted the final declaration of the Johannesburg summit on Thursday.
BRICS nations fully support Russia's presidency in the group in 2024 and holding the next summit in Kazan in October, the economic bloc said in a declaration following the Johannesburg summit on Thursday.

"Brazil, India, China and South Africa extend their full support to Russia for its BRICS Chairship in 2024 and the holding of the XVI BRICS Summit in the city of Kazan, Russia," the document said.

BRICS Committed to Strengthening Agricultural Cooperation Globally

BRICS countries has also indicated their commitment to strengthening agricultural cooperation globally and within the group to ensure food security.

"Recognising that BRICS countries produce one third of the world's food, we reaffirm our commitment to strengthen agricultural cooperation and promote sustainable agriculture and rural development of BRICS countries for enhancing food security both within BRICS and worldwide," the document said.

© AP Photo / Denis FarrellБаннеры, посвященные предстоящему саммиту БРИКС-2023 в Йоханнесбурге, Южная Африка
Баннеры, посвященные предстоящему саммиту БРИКС-2023 в Йоханнесбурге, Южная Африка - Sputnik India, 1920, 24.08.2023
Баннеры, посвященные предстоящему саммиту БРИКС-2023 в Йоханнесбурге, Южная Африка

BRICS Countries Stands for Resolution of Conflict in Ukraine Through Dialogue

BRICS countries stand for peaceful resolution of conflict in Ukraine through dialogue and diplomacy, including African states’ peace initiative, a declaration said.

"We recall our national positions concerning the conflict in and around Ukraine as expressed at the appropriate fora, including the UNSC [United Nations Security Council] and UNGA [United Nations General Assembly]. We note with appreciation relevant proposals of mediation and good offices aimed at peaceful resolution of the conflict through dialogue and diplomacy, including the African Leaders Peace Mission and the proposed path for peace," the declaration noted.

© Photo : Russia's MFABRICS Leaders to Address Participants of Summit in Johannesburg
BRICS Leaders to Address Participants of Summit in Johannesburg - Sputnik India, 1920, 24.08.2023
BRICS Leaders to Address Participants of Summit in Johannesburg

BRICS Countires Supports Reform of UN

The BRICS leaders in the final declaration has supported the reform of the UN, including that of the UN Security Council, in order to make the organization more democratic and efficient.

"We support a comprehensive reform of the UN, including its Security Council, with a view to making it more democratic, representative, effective and efficient, and to increase the representation of developing countries in the Council’s memberships so that it can adequately respond to prevailing global challenges," the document said.

"We have also tasked our Foreign Ministers to further develop the BRICS partner country model and a list of prospective partner countries and report by the next Summit," the declaration read.
President Putin addressing the BRICS summit on its final day - Sputnik India, 1920, 24.08.2023
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