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Mumbai Halts Karachi-Bound Ship Amid Nuclear Cargo Suspicions

© RIZWAN TABASSUMRussian cargo ship
Russian cargo ship - Sputnik India, 1920, 03.03.2024
Following a thorough examination of heavy cargo, Indian defence authorities, acting on a tip, expressed concerns about the contents of the ship, leading to the seizure of the consignment.
A ship heading to Karachi from China encountered a security intervention at Mumbai's Nhava Sheva port led by Indian authorities, according to media reports.
The vessel, named the CMA CGM Attila and flying the Maltese flag, was detained due to suspicions surrounding a potentially dual-use shipment that could contribute to Pakistan's nuclear and ballistic missile programme.

Acting on intelligence information, customs officials at the port, prompted by specific inputs, stopped the merchant vessel for inspection.

Following a thorough examination of the heavy cargo, Indian defence authorities, acting on a tip, expressed concerns about the contents of the ship, leading to the seizure of the consignment.

During the inspection, security authorities discovered a computer numerical control (CNC) machine, originally produced by an Italian company.

An assessment conducted by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) affirmed that the consignment's contents are likely intended for use in Pakistan's nuclear programme.

Experts note that the CNC machine, previously employed by North Korea, holds significance in producing essential components for Pakistan's missile development programme.

Further scrutiny by security agencies revealed that the 22,180-kilogram consignment originated at Taiyuan Mining Import and Export Co Ltd and was destined for Cosmos Engineering in Pakistan, as reported by officials.
Project 21900M diesel-electric icebreaker Novorossiysk in the harbor in Murmansk. File photo. - Sputnik India, 1920, 01.03.2024
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