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India Harnessing Crucial Technologies for 2024 Military Operations With New Elite Unit

CC BY 2.0 / Mike MacKenzie / Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence
 Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence - Sputnik India, 1920, 21.03.2024
STEAG is a leading organization, pioneering in its ability to utilize specialized technology, exploit state-of-the-art solutions, and identify appropriate defence applications through collaboration with academia and industry, according to an official.
The Indian Army has taken a major step forward in enhancing its technological prowess with the creation of the Signals Technology Evaluation and Adaptation Group (STEAG).
This specialized unit is focused on researching and assessing advanced communication technologies such as 5G, 6G, Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning, and quantum computing for military use.
"It will be a premier organisation, the first of its kind equipped with the capability to harness niche technology, leverage cutting-edge solutions and identify suitable cases for defence applications by fostering collaboration with academia and industry," an official told Indian Media.

India's Geographical Position Calls for Maintaning Technological Edge

“India's defense forces must keep pace with global advancements and the rapid progress of adversaries, especially China. This highlights the urgent need for technological parity. Key areas that require advancement include cyber warfare, information warfare, electromagnetic warfare, signal detection systems, surveillance technology, drone warfare, and weapon system optimization,” Major General (Dr) S B Asthana (Retd), International Strategic and Military Analyst, told Sputnik India.
“Having robust software and hardware is essential in order to withstand cyber threats, while also ensuring effective offensive and defensive capabilities,” he noted.

The General stressed that “India's unique geographical position, located between nuclear-powered neighbors and with unresolved border issues, underscores the necessity of maintaining a technological edge. These technological upgrades are essential for developing defense forces that are well-prepared for future challenges and capable of navigating complex battle scenarios with agility and effectiveness”.

When considering signals communication, Asthana pointed out that “India’s focus lies on enhancing systems such as software-defined radio (SDR) for better signal transmission and electromagnetic communication resistant to cyber-attacks”.

Real-Time Communication Enhancements for Indian Army Operations

In terms of AI, according to Asthana “significant applications are found in drone warfare and smart ammunition. AI enables projectiles to autonomously track and hit specific targets, illustrating its pivotal role in modern warfare scenarios.”

"In order to effectively carry out Indian Army operations in 2024, it is crucial that real-time communication between decision-makers and executors is established. To achieve this objective, it is imperative to have faster, reliable, and secure communication channels to improve system quality, expedite information sharing, enhance surveillance capabilities, and optimize operational processes. The integration of these technologies is essential across various domains to ensure efficient communication and streamline operations," Asthana mentioned.

Meanwhile, in modern warfare, the General stressed that “the advantage lies with the side whose computer systems can swiftly gather, process, and act upon information, leading to rapid decision-making and implementation. Therefore, it's imperative to enhance all aspects of military response against adversaries to gain a competitive edge”.

Enhancing Collaboration with Russia: Streamlining Transport & Tech Integration

“The Indian defence forces are actively pursuing a strategy of self-reliance in defence enhancement, underscored by various agreements with countries such as Russia. These agreements often include provisions for technology transfer, aiming to bolster India's indigenous defence capabilities,” the General noted.

The General highlighted that “collaborating with Russian technology partners and various entities is a top priority for us, resulting in several successful joint projects. We are actively working to improve transportation and technology integration in order to facilitate joint manufacturing processes.”

According to Asthana, India aims to effectively address the high cost of emerging technologies effectively by organising regulations to promote collaboration and share the burden of research and development.

“These initiatives, coupled with efforts towards self-reliance, collaboration, procurement of state-of-the-art technologies, and continued investment in military hardware and software, aim to ensure that India remains ahead of its adversaries and maintains future readiness in its defence forces” he underlined.

Data security - Sputnik India, 1920, 23.01.2024
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