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Indo-Russian Cooperation Catalyzes India's Indigenous Shipbuilding Capabilities

© Sputnik / Igor ZaremboThe Indian Navy's Talwar class frigate INS Tarkash
The Indian Navy's Talwar class frigate INS Tarkash - Sputnik India, 1920, 17.07.2024
Russia has supported India's efforts to develop a robust military-industrial complex, including constructing stealth warships for its Navy, for years.
The bilateral collaboration for building four stealth frigates under Project 11356 where two of these vessels are being manufactured in India and the other two produced in Russia, has catalyzed the Indigenous shipbuilding capabilities of the world's largest democratic country, a naval expert has said.

"The 11356 frigates (Talwar-class in Indian military parlance), renowned for their anti-submarine warfare (ASW) capabilities, are a strategically significant addition to the Indian Navy's formidable fleet," Aritra Banerjee, the co-author of "The Indian Navy@75: Reminiscing the Voyage" told Sputnik India. "Their presence is particularly crucial in the context of the evolving security dynamics in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR), where the Indian Navy is globally recognized as the go-to security provider."

The expert highlighted that these vessels are equipped with state-of-the-art sonar systems, including hull-mounted and variable depth sonars, which enable them to detect submarines at extended ranges.
Additionally, the detection capability is further enhanced by a robust suite of anti-submarine weapons, such as torpedoes and anti-submarine rockets, providing the Navy with a potent tool to neutralize underwater threats, thereby solidifying New Delhi's status as a resident power, he pointed out.
Moreover, the 11356 frigates are not confined to ASW operations but are versatile multi-role vessels. They are armed with surface-to-air missiles (Shtil-1 in the Russian and Barak 8 in the Indian versions), BrahMos supersonic cruise missiles, and a 100mm A-190 main gun, making them adaptable assets capable of addressing a broad spectrum of maritime security challenges.
"This versatility ensures that the frigates are well-equipped to engage surface and air threats, further enhancing the Indian Navy's capabilities," the geopolitical analyst noted.
It is worth noting that officials from the Indian Ministry of Defense (MoD) this week confirmed that Russia will deliver the two under-construction stealth frigates to the Navy next year.
While the first frigate is expected to be delivered in September this year, the second is set for delivery in early 2025.
Banerjee reckons that their induction comes when the Indian Navy is increasingly called to play a proactive role in safeguarding vital sea lanes, combating piracy, and responding to humanitarian crises in the IOR.
In addition to that, the frigates' long endurance and ability to operate independently or as part of a task force make them ideal for extended deployments and sustained regional operations.
In light of the development of indigenous shipbuilding capabilities, 11356 involved the transfer of technology and the training of Indian personnel in advanced shipbuilding techniques, Banerjee stressed. In addition, Indian shipyards, such as Goa Shipyard Limited (GSL), have been constructing two of the four frigates under the project.
Such experience has provided valuable insights into the intricacies of building complex naval vessels, especially those specialized in ASW, the pundit stated.
He articulated that this was a significant step towards self-reliance in naval shipbuilding, a key objective of the Indian government.
"Furthermore, the project has fostered a strong working relationship between Indian (GSL) and Russian shipyards (Yantar), opening up avenues for future collaboration in naval technology and shipbuilding. This collaborative approach is crucial for India to keep pace with the rapid advancements in naval technology and maintain a competitive edge in the maritime domain," Banerjee concluded.
Russian Yantar Shipyard to complete first project 11356 frigate for India - Sputnik India, 1920, 01.09.2023
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