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US Ambassador Visits Pakistan Amid America’s Increasing Interest in Balochistan

The United States is returning to the region with a significant initiative to combat both internal and cross-border terrorism, bolster its position, and contain China’s presence.
Recently, US Ambassador Donald Bloom visited Quetta, Balochistan, Pakistan, and during his trip to Quetta, he unveiled a crucial $4-million aid package, in a significant move to bolster Pakistan’s counter-terrorism capabilities.
The funds would go toward training and other capacity-building initiatives for Pakistan's police forces. Furthermore, funding will be provided to educate and train an extra 800 people. The United States remains fully committed to assisting Pakistan in its economic development.

“The two nations have been working together to combat terrorism for some time now, but this statement is a watershed moment in that collaboration. Pakistan will receive anti-terrorism training thanks to a $4 million aid package announced by the US,” Ambassador Bloom emphasized.

Last month the US ambassador visited Gwadar and recently on 20 November again he visited Quetta balochistan, met provincial chief minister and announced 4 million dollar for the development of Balochistan. After a 15years of ignorance, The US again has jumped into Balochistan Pakistan to contain China and its CPEC project.

Gwadar: the Heart of Pak-China CPEC Project

The fact that US Ambassador Donald Bloom visited Balochistan shows that the US is becoming more interested in the important Gwadar sea port to combat China in the region. Being at the entrance to the Strait of Hormuz is a good spot for Gwadar, and it is also an important part of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

However, the official said, "the US wants to build trust, make business relationships stronger, and help Balochistan's humanitarian projects."

People see this visit as an attempt by the US to reach out to China, whose interest is waning. China's power in Pakistan, especially in Balochistan, has grown a lot since the CPEC was put into place.
The visit of the US ambassador to Gwadar Port is a turning point in the relationship between the US and Pakistan.
Gwadar port

American Involvement in the Region to Contain China

As an important part of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), which is a flagship project of China's ambitious Belt and Road Initiative, Gwadar, which is at the mouth of the Strait of Hormuz, has a lot of potential.
The world is talking about this deep-sea port project that Pakistan opened in 2007. But Gwadar's growth has been slowed by the fact that its young people don't have many educational options and career prospects.
The US Consulate in Karachi and the Rural Community Development Council (RCDC) worked together to start the English Access Microscholarship program. With this project, 48 talented but poor middle school kids in Gwadar will be able to experience a classroom in the United States. “The money shows that America is committed to giving the local community more power and supporting school growth,” one of the social activists said.
In addition, Ambassador Blome's trip to Gwadar comes after he made a major announcement in Quetta.

“The US has promised Pakistan a generous aid package worth $4 million to help the country fight terrorists. Specifically, these funds will be used to improve the training and skills of law enforcement forces. This will make the Pakistani people even safer,” US Ambassador said.

“This meeting is very important because it shows that the US is becoming more interested in Balochistan and that the US and Pakistan are working together to deal with the very serious problem of terrorism. It's also proof of how the two countries have worked together for a long time to help the economy grow and keep the area safe,” media reports suggested.
As Gwadar continues to grow into a busy economic hub, with China's influence firmly established, the US's renewed involvement brings a new point of view and opens the door to possible partnerships while on the other hand, it provokes a new conflict between China and the US in the region.
According to some strategic analyst, the entrance of US in the region will aggravate Baloch insurgency, and create a vaccum for Taliban to be part in this proxy war between China and the USA in Balochistan.
However, Gwadar is in a great spot and has a lot of promise due to its geo-strategic position and the sea port. It will be very important in shaping the future of the region. As Balochistan's star rises on the global stage, all eyes are on the Gwadar deep sea-port as it emerges as a beacon of progress and prosperity in the region.
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