Political Affairs
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Pakistani Envoy Holds Talks With Afghan Ambassador Amid Tensions After Air Strikes

Earlier this week, tensions between Afghanistan and Pakistan flared up following the latter's combat operation inside the latter's territory.
Pakis­tan's Envoy to Kabul, Asif Durrani, underlined that ties between the two Asian Islamic neighbors have not been suspended despite the former's recent air strikes, the Afghan embassy in Islamabad said in a statement.
As per the official release, Durrani held talks with Sardar Ahmad Shakib, who serves as the Charge d'Affa­ires of Afghanistan's diplomatic mission in Islamabad.
The two diplomats discussed matters related to differences over the Durand Line - the de facto border between the two nations.
Interestingly, Afghanistan does not recognize the Durand Line.
Moreover, it should be remembered that Durrani's interaction with the Taliban* leadership is crucial to calming down tensions between the two former allies, especially after Pakistan conducted unilateral military action against the banned terror outfit Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP**) hideouts in Afghanistan at the start of this week.
Political Affairs
Nuclear-Armed Pakistan Says Don't Want Armed Conflict With Afghanistan
*under UN sanctions
**terror outfit banned in Russia and other states