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Canadian Accusations of Indian Meddling Only Look to Distract From Internal Turmoil

While Canada hosts many Indians deemed criminals in their home country, including Khalistan advocates, its law and order situation is deteriorating under Justin Trudeau's leadership. Unable to manage it effectively, Trudeau shifts the blame to other countries, resorting to unethical political tactics.
Canada released the preliminary findings of its public inquiry into foreign interference in the country's elections on Friday, reportedly implicating India, China, Russia, Pakistan, and Iran.
The report specifically accused India of being involved in actions related to interference in Canada's political processes and exerting influence over Canadian communities and politicians.
Highlighting concerns about Khalistani separatism in Canada as the primary focus of India's so-called influence, the report underscored India's efforts to align Canada's stance with India's interests, particularly regarding individuals in Canada advocating an independent Sikh homeland (Khalistan).

Trudeau's Political Manoeuvring

“Canada harbours various criminals, including those advocating for Khalistan, viewing them as potential voting blocs. These individuals maintain connections in India, a situation largely facilitated by the Canadian government,” Major General (Dr) S B Asthana (Retd), an international strategic and military analyst, told Sputnik India.

However, he emphasised that “instead of taking responsibility, they [Canadian authorities] seek to shift the blame onto others by providing refuge to these criminals, the government inadvertently grants them significant influence, particularly within certain communities, which ultimately benefits politicians such as Justin Trudeau."

Canada PM Justin Trudeau addresses Sikh community
“In essence, engaging in this political manoeuvring, Trudeau refrains from admitting that the law and order situation in their country is deteriorating, and he is unable to effectively manage it. Consequently, he finds it convenient to shift the blame onto another country, indulging in what can be considered unethical political tactics,” he noted.
The General underscored that “the relations between India and Canada have been troublesome. Initially, Trudeau spoke about the killing of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, portraying him as a Khalistan Tiger force chief. Despite being denied a visa and citizenship for 15 years due to his criminal activities, Canada suddenly labelled him a Canadian citizen upon his death”.

This stance raises questions, according to Asthana, “especially considering the tragic Kanishka bombing in 1983, which claimed 329 lives, mostly Canadian citizens. The mastermind behind the bombing, Talwinder Singh Parmar, roamed freely in Canada for years without repercussions until he entered India and was subsequently killed by Indian police."

“This situation, fueled by Canada's political motives and the funding received by certain Sikh groups, has strained diplomatic ties between the two countries,” he asserted.
Consequently, the General mentioned, “there has been a significant decline in the number of Indian students opting to study in Canada, and diplomatic measures have been taken to address the surplus of diplomats, impacting bilateral relations."

Canada's Allegiance: Linking Russia, Iran, and China to Show Solidarity with US

“In reality, there is no substantial support for the Khalistan movement within India. Sikh communities in India coexist peacefully, and Punjab stands as a developed state. However, in Canada, numerous criminals seeking to evade legal processes in India have gathered under the guise of the Khalistan movement,” he explained.

Despite being aware of their presence, the expert argued, “the Canadian government has taken no action against the 43 criminals wanted in India for serious offences. These individuals exploit the notion of free speech in countries such as the United States and Canada to propagate their criminal ideologies."

“However, it's essential to recognize that the Khalistan movement holds more sway in Canada than in India. While Trudeau may entertain the idea of Khalistan in Canada, it holds no relevance or support within India. This movement is merely a criminal ideology fostered and sheltered in Canada,” he declared.

The General claimed that “the Canadian inclination to implicate Russia, Iran, and China stems from a desire to show support for the USA along with various criminal groups, including so-called Khalistanis."

“Regarding India, Trudeau seems to have cultivated a vote bank comprising criminals who contribute funds and votes to his political agenda. These criminals have become an integral, albeit undesirable, part of Trudeau's politics. He often ventures into issues such as Khalistan under the guise of free speech, despite the fact that Khalistan is not a relevant concept in India,” he stated.

This approach, according to the General, “could potentially lead to the formation of an unmanageable gang group within Canada, eventually leading to repercussions that Canadians will come to regret at some point in the future."

Canada-India Row
Ex-Canadian FM Tears Into Trudeau for Pandering to Khalistani Extremists