Обломки зданий, пострадавших в результате ракетных ударов ВС Израиля по Газе - Sputnik India, 1920
Israel-Hamas war

India Lends Support for 'Humanitarian Pauses' in Gaza

© AP Photo / Bebeto MatthewsIndia's Ambassador to the United Nations Ruchira Kamboj, current president of the U.N. Security Council, address the council after a report on the humanitarian impact of Russia's war in Ukraine, Tuesday Dec. 6, 2022 at U.N. headquarters.
India's Ambassador to the United Nations Ruchira Kamboj, current president of the U.N. Security Council, address the council after a report on the humanitarian impact of Russia's war in Ukraine, Tuesday Dec. 6, 2022 at U.N. headquarters. - Sputnik India, 1920, 21.11.2023
While India has condemned the Hamas attack against Israel on 7 October, it has expressed grave concerns over the civilian death toll in Gaza and regularly backed early cessation of hostilities.
India firmly stands behind efforts towards achieving "humanitarian pauses" in Gaza, the Indian Permanent Representative to the United Nations (UN), Ruchira Kamboj, told a debate on the humanitarian situation in Gaza on Monday.
"India welcomes all efforts by the international community that strive towards a de-escalation of the conflict and enables the delivery of urgent humanitarian assistance to the people of Palestine," Kamboj stated.
Kamboj highlighted in her address that Prime Minister Narendra Modi had asserted India's opposition to terrorism and violence in all its forms, as well as advocated an "adherence" to international humanitarian law" amid growing global criticism of Israel's refusal to heed to ceasefire calls, including those by the UN Secretary-General.

Over 13,000 Palestinians have been killed in IDF operations in Gaza since last month, according to the the region's health ministry.

The senior Indian diplomat further reiterated New Delhi's call for the unconditional release of all hostages held by Hamas and emphasised that all parties should work towards "early restoration of peace and stability".
"Towards this, we also welcome efforts for humanitarian pauses," she remarked.
Kamboj also spelled out India's longstanding position on the conflict, saying that it backed a "just, peaceful and lasting solution to the Israel-Palestine issue".
"India has always advocated the resumption of direct negotiations towards establishing a sovereign, independent and viable state of Palestine living within secure and recognized borders side by side at peace with Israel," she told the UN.

India to Continue Providing Humanitarian Aid to Palestine

Kamboj told the UN that New Delhi was committed to continue providing humanitarian relief to Palestine, noting that it had already delivered 70 tonnes of disaster and medical relief in two tranches since the eruption of hostilities on 7 October.

"Similarly, India continues to play an active role as Member of the Advisory Commission of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)," Kamboj stated.
On Monday, India also released $2.5 million to the UNRWA as part of its annual contribution of $5 million to support the agency's core programme in Palestine, including bolstering the healthcare, education, relief and social services in the region.
A picture taken from Israel's southern city of Sderot shows flares dropped by Israeli forces above the north of the Gaza Strip, on October 30, 2023, amid ongoing battles between Israel and the Palestinian Hamas movement.  - Sputnik India, 1920, 14.11.2023
Israel-Hamas war
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