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Indian Navy Warship Extends Vital Medical Aid to Seafarers in Distress in the Arabian Sea

Indian Navy Warship Extends Vital Medical Aid to Seafarers in Distress in the Arabian Sea
Indian Navy Warship Extends Vital Medical Aid to Seafarers in Distress in the Arabian Sea - Sputnik India, 1920, 03.03.2024
An Indian warship played a pivotal role last month in aiding a merchant vessel that caught fire after a suspected drone or missile attack in the Gulf of Aden.
Indian Navy warships, engaged in Maritime Security Operations in the Arabian Sea, extended humanitarian aid to sailors in distress.
Specialized teams from an Indian Naval warship last Friday boarded a fishing boat and a sailing vessel requiring medical assistance.

"Indian Navy warships, while mission deployed in the Arabian Sea for Maritime Security Operations, continue to provide humanitarian assistance to seafarers," a navy spokesman posted on X. "On 1st March, specialist teams from an Indian Naval warship boarded a fishing boat & a sailing vessel in need of medical attention."

Last month an Indian warship played a pivotal role in aiding a merchant vessel that had caught fire after a suspected a drone or missile attack in the Gulf of Aden.
This incident marked the latest in a series of support missions conducted by the Indian Navy in the region.
The Palau-flagged MV Islander was engulfed in flames after an apparent drone or missile strike on Thursday.
In a prompt response to the distress call, an Indian Navy destroyer, on a mission in the Gulf of Aden for maritime security operations, swiftly arrived in the vicinity of the vessel on Thursday afternoon.
Indian Naval Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) experts boarded the ship and conducted a thorough inspection to eliminate any remaining risks. The vessel was then cleared to continue its voyage.
Responding to the master’s request, a medical team embarked on the ship to offer necessary medical aid to an injured crew member.

“Relentless efforts by Indian Naval ships reaffirms Indian Navy's steadfast commitment towards safety and security of merchant shipping and seafarers,” said Indian Navy spokesman Commander Vivek Madhwal.

Over the past weeks, the Indian Navy has aided numerous merchant vessels in the Western Indian Ocean that faced attacks.

Notably, the Indian Navy successfully thwarted a piracy attempt on an Iranian-flagged fishing vessel, intervened in the rescue of 19 Pakistani crew members from an Iranian-flagged vessel attacked by pirates off the east coast of Somalia, and prevented the hijacking of the Liberian-flagged vessel MV Lila Norfolk in the North Arabian Sea rescuing all its crew members.

The MV Chem Pluto, a Liberian-flagged vessel with 21 Indian crew members, was also targeted off India's west coast in a drone attack on December 23.
In response to the challenging maritime environment in crucial sea lanes, including the north and central Arabian Sea, the Navy has intensified the deployment of frontline ships and surveillance aircraft for enhanced maritime security operations.
Indian Navy played a big role in saving Sri Lankan ship from pirates. - Sputnik India, 1920, 31.01.2024
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