The Struggle for the American Soul
© AP Photo / Eduardo Munoz AlvarezA man, wearing a patriotic colored Guy Fawkes mask and holding an American flag, joins a small group of protesters near the Manhattan District Attorney's office, Tuesday, March 21, 2023, in New York, in an anticipation of former President Donald Trump's possible indictment. A New York grand jury investigating Trump over a hush money payment to a porn star appears poised to complete its work soon as law enforcement officials make preparations for possible unrest in the event of an indictment. (AP Photo/Eduardo Munoz Alvarez)

© AP Photo / Eduardo Munoz Alvarez
“America does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy. [If America does it], she might become the dictatress of the world. She would no longer be the ruler of her own spirit.”
This, in 1821, was the warning against imperialism and colonialism from John Quincy Adams, who would go on to become the US President four years later.
That’s exactly what has happened to the United States of America over the last 125 years. Now, the US is at a crossroads, when Americans must decide between a stable Republic in a multipolar world or an Empire that will go down in flames, fighting until the last breath.
Trump embodies this conflict between nationalistic America First versus the imperial American Century. This consequential struggle for the American soul will reverberate across the nation and the world.
Darkness from the Start
Of course, the USA has been a land of contradictions from the beginning. For a nation that arose out of fighting colonialism, the US grew in size tenfold within hundred years after the founding in 1776. Americans came up with all sorts of excuses – such as the Manifest Destiny – for this relentless expansion. Also, while the declaration of independence nobly declared that “all men are created equal,” the US could not treat blacks and natives as equal.
Genocide and slavery of tens of millions of non-whites continued for the most part of the 19th century. And then it took almost another century for African Americans to enjoy basic human rights.
The US’ taste for colonialism and imperialism was always just below the surface. Within two years after the quote discussed in the beginning, the US declared the infamous “Monroe Doctrine,” which essentially claimed the entire Latin America to be under the US’ sphere of influence. When the British defeated China in the Opium War of the 1840s, the US copied the imperialist strategy and forced Japan to open up. (When Japan became too successful, it was destroyed ninety years later by the same US).
Taste of Imperialism
By the late 19th century, the US was infiltrated by European bankers, especially the Rothschild dynasty. The globalist bankers decided to make the USA their primary home. Thus began America’s adventure of global imperialism, starting with the attack on the weak Spanish empire in 1899. Before that, US media spread extensive atrocity propaganda regarding Spain’s alleged human rights abuses in Cuba. Then, a false flag attack on USS Maine in Cuba helped launch the Spanish-American war.
However, the war was not just about Cuba. It extended to many colonies of Spain, including the Philippines. To convince Americans why this anathema must happen, US elites explained that the Filipinos were “savages,” and it was “white man’s burden” to civilise those brown people. Needless to say, the modern version of the same American propaganda is “spreading freedom and democracy”; and “savages” are replaced by “dictators.”
Thanks to the influx of European bankers, the US rapidly turned internationalist. For example, Jacob Schiff – a German banker, who could be considered the original George Soros – helped fund Japan’s war against Russia in 1904.
The destruction of the Russian Navy by Japan has a lot of similarities to the US attack by its proxy Ukraine now. These bankers were so determined to do a regime change in Russia that they also funded Trotsky, Lenin and the Bolshevik revolution. Schiff’s grandson later boasted that his grandfather spent $20 million – equivalent to half a billion dollars today – to overthrow the Tsar.
Perhaps, the final blow to American sovereignty came with the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank, which is neither federal nor a bank, and it does not have any reserves either. It simply creates money out of thin air and turns the US into a debt serf. Oh, guess who’s considered the founding father of the Fed? None other than Paul Warburg, the brother-in-law of Jacob Schiff. The Fed was created in 1913; and the very next year, WW1 started. Coincidence?
While the US was ecstatic about the victory in WW1, the stock market crashed in 1929, followed by the Great Depression. Many Americans were waking up to the fact that imperialism and foreign affairs were behind the misery. This led to the rise of the “America First” movement. However, American elites – including President FDR – were determined to bring the country into the war. This was why Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen.
The Century of American Imperialism
WW2 was the birth of the modern American Empire. Even before the war was over, Time magazine had coined the term American Century. The globalists knew that their plan for the destruction of Europe was unstoppable. Foolish Europeans destroyed themselves and signed up for life as the vassals of America.
Russia played the biggest role in the destruction of Nazi Germany, although the US rewrote history by making countless Hollywood movies that depicted America as the savior of the world. Moreover, Russia was unprepared for the duplicity of the Anglo-American imperialists. Even before WW2 was over, the British had plans to invade Russia using the defeated Nazi military. Interestingly, the plan was called “Operation Unthinkable.” Later, the US military repeatedly drew up plans like “Operation Dropshot” to drop atomic bombs on the USSR.
In 1960, the psychopaths of the US military wanted to use devastating nuclear weapons on 1,200 cities in Russia, Eastern Europe, and China. The nuclear winter from such a scenario would have wiped off a vast majority of human beings on earth.
John F. Kennedy was the last sovereign President of the United States. He saw through the madness of the US military industrial complex, CIA, Israeli lobbying groups, and the pernicious banking system. In his speeches, he alluded to the vast conspiracy taking over the US. He refused to start a nuclear war with the Soviet Union, rejected false flag attacks on Americans (“Operation Northwoods”), fired the CIA director, wanted to reclassify AIPAC as a foreign agent, and tried to establish a sound currency backed by silver. For that, JFK was assassinated by the deep state.
President Truman said that creation of the CIA was his biggest regret; he called it “America’s Gestapo.” Later, President Eisenhower warned about the extraordinary powers of the military-industrial complex. Alas, the American Empire had become the Frankenstein Monster.
Throughout the Cold War, the US deep state waged disastrous wars in Korea, Vietnam, Laos etc., staged coups all over Latin America, Asia and Africa to install brutal dictators, interfered in elections and assassinated democratically elected leaders all over the world – including Europe, and engaged in mass mind manipulations and propaganda (MK-Ultra, Operation Mockingbird). The US recruited the smartest and most evil Nazis after WW2, and used them for NASA, NATO, and various nefarious purposes such as Operation Gladio – false-flag attacks in Europe. Ukraine’s Nazis – OUN, UPA, followers of Stepan Bandera – were the preferred mercenaries for anti-Soviet programs. Eventually, those Nazis have become the tool for a blatant proxy war against Russia.
In 1979, Islamic extremists became the CIA’s mercenaries to fight the USSR in Afghanistan. These terrorists have been used by the US for geopolitical objectives in Chechnya, Dagestan, Kosovo, Nigeria, the Philippines, Libya, Iraq, Xinjiang (China) and many other places – Syria being the latest example.
Al Qaeda*, ISIS*, Boko Haram* etc. are all useful idiots of the morality-free US deep state.
Implosion of America
If the US became an Empire of Chaos, it also became self-destructive. All that global domination has not helped the average American, who is physically sick, mentally depressed, and financially broke. Half of all American adults are functionally illiterate and unable to understand the parasitical economic system they are imprisoned in. Meanwhile, extreme feminism and other forms of social engineering (“wokeism”) have weakened fundamental institutions such as religion, family and communities. Even infrastructure all across America is crumbling; and to use Trump’s phrase – which he used to describe Africa – the USA is fast becoming a “sh*thole country.”
While the US prides itself as a paragon of democracy, free press and free speech, the truth is that the “blob” has created a multibillion-dollar censorship industry, political correctness prevents people from seeing or saying that 2+2=4, US Congress has a 20% approval rating, mainstream media has lost its credibility, and a majority of Americans do not vote in most elections at federal, state and local levels. Every aspect of the society is flooded with lies, deceptions, misinformation and propaganda.
Among the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) nations, the US ranks at the bottom for education. Without immigrants from China and India, the US would not have maintained its technological innovation.
However, that advantage is dissipating quickly, as Sinophobia has not only reduced the immigration of Chinese students, but world-class scientists of Chinese ethnicity are going back home to escape racism and persecution in the US, which no longer leads the world in patents or publication of scientific papers.
Obviously, such an empire at its last stage does not promote prosperity for its vassals. For example, Japan’s economy has been stagnant for the last 30 years; Germany’s economy is collapsing; and the entire EU is on an irreversible path of decline. Ukraine has been completely devastated, with no hope for the future. In Georgia and Romania, the US/NATO cabal is cancelling elections and subverting democracy. The same dark forces were also likely behind the assassination attempt against Slovakia’s Prime Minister. As for the Middle East countries, which obediently support the Petrodollar, the US and Israel are blatantly committing genocide of Palestinians.
Trumpism and its Contradictions
So, this is the situation in which Trump is trying to make America great again. However, he is pulled in many conflicting directions. America’s “leave me alone” instinct is bumping into the imperialist desires. Trump threatens to leave UN organisations like the WHO and UN treaties on climate change. However, if China steps in and embraces the leadership role, American politicians would cry that China is taking over the world.
The US evangelised free trade and created modern organisations like the WTO, but is now engaging in futile trade wars, sanctions and tariffs to contain China. Trump will likely double down on his failed economic policy of trying to bring manufacturing back. Wall Street runs America Inc., and it has no interest in low-margin industries. Making money out of money – not out of real products – has been the American philosophy for the last four decades, and is not going to change.
Trump said aloud what others might be embarrassed to: If the US dollar stops being the world reserve currency, the US will turn into a third-world country. However, Trump wants to maintain the dollar’s primacy through intimidation of BRICS countries. Such an attitude will only accelerate de-dollarisation.
Trump’s foreign policy also seems confusing. On one hand, he wants to end the Ukraine war; but he also wants to “buy” Greenland from Denmark. The only possible reason would be to place missiles and missile defense systems there – obviously, aimed at Russia. Note that, it was under Trump that the US unilaterally quit the landmark Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty with Russia.
Looking at the big picture, would Trump close the military bases in, say, Japan or South Korea? America First is the polar opposite of maintaining 800 military bases in 140 countries.
At the current rate of growth, US debt will be staggering $75 trillion by 2035. If Russia and China successfully play defence, the American Empire will collapse by itself within the next decade.
“What is important is not the length of life, but the depth of life” – Tolstoy.
This also applies to nations. America needs to figure out its purpose and soul. How does it want to move forward and be remembered in history? A cooperative nation that spread harmony and prosperity in a multipolar world or an Empire of Chaos that crumbled under the weight of its own depravity, greed and delusion of global domination?
* Terrorist outfits banned in Russia and many other countries