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What Makes BrahMos Missiles Buyers' Favored Option

© PhotoINS Mormugao, the latest guided-missile Destroyer, successfully hit 'Bulls Eye' during her maiden Brahmos Supersonic cruise missile firing
INS Mormugao, the latest guided-missile Destroyer, successfully hit 'Bulls Eye' during her maiden Brahmos Supersonic cruise missile firing - Sputnik India, 1920, 02.03.2024
India's cruise missiles offer both air- and ground-launched versions. They are reportedly gaining popularity as a preferred choice for countries in the Middle East and North Africa aiming to strengthen their missile capabilities.
The BrahMos cruise missile has garnered significant attention from Middle Eastern and African nations, generating interest in various iterations of the missile for their defense arsenals.
Notably, countries in these regions, especially those with Sukhoi fighter jet fleets, have expressed a particular fascination with the missile system that is renowned for its adaptability.
With both air- and ground-launched variants, BrahMos is becoming a favored option for nations seeking to enhance their missile capabilities.
India, being the sole global possessor of the air-launched version, holds the unique capability to deploy a long-range supersonic cruise missile with the potential to strike targets beyond 450 kilometers.

Fostering Ties Through BrahMos

“In January 2021, India initiated efforts to enhance relationships with allied nations, comprising various countries, with a notable emphasis on Middle Eastern nations such as Saudi Arabia and the UAE. The Indian government closely monitored the increasing favorability towards BrahMos, recognized as the preferred 'precision strike weapon' in these countries," Maj Gen Sanjeev Chowdhary (Retd), director of United Service Institution of India (USI), told Sputnik India.
The distinguishing factor, according to Chowdhary, “is its precision strike capability, giving BrahMos an edge over other systems in its category. Over time, more countries have joined this list, and among the potential users is Egypt."
“Any country observing India's economic growth, defense capabilities, military-industrial complex, and satellite manufacturing would find the collaboration with Russia in the BrahMos joint venture stands out as a noteworthy defense export. Notably, close relations have been cultivated with countries such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, and Armenia, positioning them as potential customers,” Maj General Jagatbir Singh, a distinguished fellow at USI, told Sputnik
© SputnikBrahmos rocket (mob)
Brahmos rocket (mob) - Sputnik India, 1920, 01.03.2024
Brahmos rocket (mob)

Global Shift in Arms Procurement

Several factors contribute to the interest of potential buyers in the neighborhood, according to Singh.
“First, India's impressive technological prowess and commitment to defense values. Second, in the current global scenario marked by conflicts in Ukraine and Israel, Western countries have faced challenges in fully equipping involved nations.”

"This has prompted other countries to consider diversifying their sources of arms, seeking reliable alternatives beyond the limitations faced by Western suppliers," Singh noted.

Likewise, in the field of defense exports, Singh highlighted that, “successful collaboration and possessing cutting-edge technology are crucial prerequisites. The BrahMos missiles serve as a prime example, with India and Russia jointly researching to develop world-class technology. This prowess has garnered global recognition, and the Philippines has recently inked a significant deal to acquire these advanced missile systems."

BrahMos Integration on Sukhoi-30

Concerning Sukhoi-30 fighter jets in Africa, Singh mentioned that, “The Egyptian air force boasts the largest fleet, having long employed Russian aircraft. Ethiopia also operates Sukhoi-30s, and there is interest from Libya and Algeria. These decisions are shaped by considerations such as cost, equipment reliability, and technology transfer.”
Significantly, Singh clarified that “There's a discernible shift away from dependence on Western nations, propelled by these varied considerations."

“Sukhoi-30 fighter jet fifth-generation fighter aircraft is noteworthy for its capability to be armed with BrahMos missiles. Countries are increasingly interested in acquiring a comprehensive system that includes this aircraft and the BrahMos missiles,” Chowdhary said.

The significance of BrahMos, according to Chowdhary, “is just slightly below that of a nuclear option. Any country possessing BrahMos or showcasing its signals, whether deployed on shores, aircraft, or ships, serves as a powerful deterrent against potential threats. The supersonic and precision strike capabilities of BrahMos give it a strategic advantage over other options."

“The imperative for nations to diversify their defense sources and showcase India's technological capabilities are pivotal factors fueling the interest of potential buyers in the region,” the expert said.

INS Mormugao, the latest guided-missile Destroyer, successfully hit 'Bulls Eye' during her maiden Brahmos Supersonic cruise missile firing - Sputnik India, 1920, 29.02.2024
Defenсe News
Growing Interest: Middle East and North African Nations Eye BrahMos Missiles with Rising Enthusiasm
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