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Unified Action Essential to Tackle ISIL-K & AQIS Menace

© AP Photo / Seivan SelimГраница Сирии и северного Ирака
Граница Сирии и северного Ирака - Sputnik India, 1920, 31.07.2024
It is essential to establish a clear global definition of terrorism through the UN and address the double standards and selective criticism, where terrorism impacting the West is often condemned more strongly than similar threats elsewhere, according to experts.
The terrorist group Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant – Khorasan* (ISIL-K) is attempting to recruit individuals through handlers based in India, even though they have not been able to carry out large-scale attacks within the country, according to a UN report.
“Despite not being able to conduct large-scale attacks in India, ISIL-K seeks to recruit lone actors through their India-based handlers and released a booklet in Urdu magnifying Hindu-Muslim antagonism and outlining its strategy as regards India,” the report mentioned.
ISIL-K is recognized as a major regional threat with its terror activities spreading beyond Afghanistan, while al-Qaeda** is concentrating on strengthening its alliance with the Taliban.
“TTP could transform into an umbrella organisation for other terrorist groups. In the medium term, a potential merger of TTP and AQIS could escalate the threat against Pakistan, and eventually India, Myanmar and Bangladesh,” it added.

Terrorism in all its forms is a grave global threat, with groups like ISIL-K and al-Qaeda being as perilous as LTT and JTM in Pakistan, yet UN reports often emphasize ISIL and al-Qaeda due to Western concerns, and more recently TTP*** because of its effects on Pakistan, said Maj Gen (Dr) S B Asthana (Retd)., International Strategic & Military Analyst told Sputnik India.

Despite their significant role in terrorism within India, the General emphasised that “groups like JEM**** and LET***** often receive less attention, highlighting the need for universal condemnation and control of religious fundamentalism and terrorism everywhere.”
Al-Qaeda in the Indian subcontinent (AQIS) targets countries including India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, while ISIS has shown interest in China, despite its limited influence in Xinjiang, he added.

The General noted that ISIS-K claimed responsibility for the Moscow Crocus City Hall attack and, given the opportunity, they would target any country where they see potential for spreading religious fundamentalism.

ISIS practices 4th generation warfare through self-actuating sleeper cells, which can activate in various countries, including India, posing significant threats, Asthana affirmed.
The military pundit believes the ideology “is indeed dangerous, with influence extending wherever they can find sympathizers to promote their religious fundamentalism.”

The General highlighted the need for a global effort to define terrorism clearly through the UN and address the double standards and selective criticism that often occur, where terrorism affecting the West is condemned more than similar threats to other regions.

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Additionally, while many UN-designated terrorist organizations operate from regions like Afghanistan and Pakistan, some countries selectively support these states, which has become a state policy and a form of proxy war, necessitating global condemnation of such ideologies, he contended.

The General stated that to combat terrorism effectively, it is crucial to address sympathizers within local populations who provide logistical, moral, intelligence, and financial support to terrorists; thus, controlling these sympathizers and fundamentalists is essential, along with ensuring the Financial Action Task Force prevents international terror funding

India’s strong democracy and long-standing cultural diversity among Hindus, Muslims, and Sikhs, coupled with the lingering effects of partition, have contributed to lower ISIS recruitment compared to Europe and America, Dr Qamar Agha, Defence Expert told Sputnik India.

The pundit stated that recruitment has been notably successful in the Jammu and Kashmir region due to the exploitation of local sub-regional sentiments, as regional leaders have maintained a distinct identity that has prevented full social and cultural integration with India.

There is a long-standing need for regional coordination between India, Iran, Russia, and Central Asian Republics — countries all affected by terrorism — to formalize and strengthen their joint efforts against such threats, he concluded.
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*ISIS-K, Daesh (IS/ISIS/ISIL) is a terrorist organization banned in Russia and other states.
**Al-Qaeda is under UN sanctions for terrorism.
***A terrorist organization banned in Russia and India.
****banned terrorist organizations.
*****under UN sanctions for terrorism.
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