18 September 2024, 22:22
- Hezbollah
- Sputnik Opinion
- India
- Lebanon
- Israel
- Mossad
- Government of India
- Ministry of External Affairs (MEA)
- Ministry of Defence (MoD)
- Israel Defense Forces (IDF)
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Microsoft
- Apple Inc.
- Arab League
- The United Arab Emirates (UAE)
- Arabian Sea
- Persian Gulf (Arabian Gulf)
- Saudi Arabia
- Middle East
- South Asia
- Benjamin Netanyahu
- Joe Biden
- US
- US State Department
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23 February 2024, 17:01
- Vladimir Putin
- Antony Blinken
- Joe Biden
- US
- China
- Russia
- European Union (EU)
- Tesla
- Sputnik Opinion
- dedollarisation
- oil exporters
- oil supplies
- BRICS currency
- BRICS expansion
- Saudi Arabia
- Palestine
- Gaza Strip
- Israel
- Israel Defense Forces (IDF)
- Palestinian cause
- Middle East
- International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC)
- Chinese yuan
- SWIFT system
- Wikileaks
- US hegemony
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